Required Cutecash dependencies

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sat Mar 6 08:46:03 EST 2010

Am Samstag, 6. März 2010 schrieb Herbert Thoma:
> >> Do you know how to check for the guile version and how to set the
> >>  HAVE_GUILE18 if required in cmake?
> Does not seem to work :-(
> The check works. I added
> to CMakeLists.txt and it reports 1.8.
> However, when I do make VERBOSE=1 I get: (...)
> There is no -DHAVE_GUILE18 in the gcc command line. Is it possible that
> ADD_DEFINITIONS (foobar) is not propagated to subdirs?

According to the documentation of ADD_DEFINITIONS (run "cmake --help-command 
add_definitions"), this command should specifically add this to the current 
directory *and below*. ALso, for HAVE_CONFIG_H in src/CMakeLists.txt this 
seems to work fine. It is weird if "make VERBOSE=1" confirms it didn't arrive 
in the command line.

However, you can experiment with copying the IF(...) clause from the top-level 
CMakeLists.txt to the src/engine/CMakeLists.txt and see whether this fixes it.



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