Stabilizing 2.4.0

Mike Alexander mta at
Sat Mar 6 19:53:08 EST 2010

On Mar 6, 2010, at 11:41 PM, Christian Stimming wrote:

> Am Samstag, 6. März 2010 schrieb John Ralls:
>> On Mar 5, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Phil Longstaff wrote:
>>> Do we want to release a stable 2.4.0?  What do we need to finish  
>>> to do
>>> that.  There are lots of things happening in trunk, all of which  
>>> will be
>>> useful at some point, but many of which are destabilizing things.
>> My feeling from the users list says they want the dbi backend and  
>> the new
>> reporting made possible by WebKit, and that they'd like it soon.  
>> Maybe we
>> should ask them what they want.
> That's my understanding as well.
> However, dbi already comes with several variants: sqlite3 file, mysql
> bindings, postgresql bindings. Which one of those should work? All  
> three?
> So we need to make up lists of features new in 2.4 which need to be  
> verified
> to work correctly:
> - webkit reporting
> - dbi backend with sqlite3 file
> - dbi backend with mysql bindings
> - dbi backend with postgresql bindings
> There are additional new features, which might still have problems,  
> so we can
> decide whether to disable them for 2.4 or test and fix them:
> - eguile reports
> - CSV importer (or was this active in 2.2.9 already?)
> - QSF export (or was this active in 2.2.9 already?)
> - Check printing features (but I think those work without problems)

The trading account changes are another new feature in trunk.  I think  
they are working ok, but they need to be documented.  The minimal  
documentation could be pretty simple, perhaps with a reference to  
Peter Selinger's web pages for background information.


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