r18878 - gnucash/trunk/src/business/business-ledger - Bug#325436 creating income account for invoice doesn't restrict account type

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Tue Mar 9 13:16:19 EST 2010

On Tuesday 9 March 2010, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Geert Janssens <gjanssens at code.gnucash.org> writes:
> > +        account_types = g_list_prepend (account_types,
> > (gpointer)ACCT_TYPE_CREDIT); +        account_types = g_list_prepend
> > (account_types, (gpointer)ACCT_TYPE_ASSET); +        account_types =
> > g_list_prepend (account_types, (gpointer)ACCT_TYPE_LIABILITY);
> Do you want to also add BANK or CASH?  I'm not sure if those are
> necessary or required....
I created the list of account types by looking at what account types you can 
select in the business ledger for an invoice/bill. You can't select a BANK or 
CASH account in there, so I figured it wouldn't make sense to allow the user 
to add a new one in that particular context.


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