QSF - Qof Serialization format, who uses it ?

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Tue Mar 23 19:19:21 EDT 2010

Am Montag, 15. März 2010 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> All,
> I just had a conversation on IRC regarding QSF. If you don't know what it
>  is, you can safely skip this message.
> On IRC it was suggested to simply remove QSF from GnuCash as it's broken
>  and incomplete.
> I don't use it and don't have the time/skills to fix and complete it.
> So the simple question is: is any of you using qsf or have any intention to
>  do something with it ?
> If not, I will effectively remove it from the source tree after the 2.3.11
> release.

I'm all in for removal. I have only heard bug reports about this and the 
implementation rationale was something about some application-independent qof 
file format, which was never completed and we don't support it fully (anymore) 
anyway. Let's remove this rather sooner than later.



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