We need to prevent multi-user access to the SQL backend (Re: New GnuCash article on LWN)

Graham Leggett minfrin at sharp.fm
Wed May 19 18:02:22 EDT 2010

On 19 May 2010, at 11:47 PM, Per Kjeldaas wrote:

> Your solution to block the whole database is good enough for me.

It's a real shame that a system fundamentally designed to offer multi  
user access to data should be crippled in such a fashion. In the  
process, virtually all reasons to use a SQL database are lost.

We use the XML backend, and share it by versioning it in source  
control with mandatory locks. It's not perfect, and requires  
discipline to respect the lock, but it works between three different  
people sharing the responsibility to keep the accounts up to date.


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