How to get tax table value for invoice report?

Mike Evans mikee at
Tue May 25 15:26:45 EDT 2010

On Tuesday May 25 2010 16:43:04 Derek Atkins wrote:
> Valdis Vītoliņš <valdis.vitolins at> writes:
> > I need to get name of Tax table name (because I have tax value in name)
> >
> > Or better should be concatenated tax table name, entry amount and type
> > (e.g. VAT 21%, or VAT 10%)
> >
> > 
> > Usually we don't need to sum different tax table entries in one general
> > tax, so dealing with
> > several entries is hypothetical case and is important only for
> > localizations.
> > 
> > (Or, if I could choose which entry to use from several, I could define
> > one tax table "VAT" with entries 0%, 10%, 21%)
> Well, really your only option is the tax table name...  Keep in mind
> that you can have multiple tax table entries on a single tax table (for
> multiple taxes, like GST+PST).  If you want to list the actual
> percentages and accounts then you need to extract the list of tax table
> entries and then enumerate them..
> Personally I'd recommend just using the tax table name.
> -derek

Looking at this, I assumed that checking "show individual taxes"
would generate a list of totals for  any sales taxes I'd defined however, I get 
a tax row showing the aggregation of all the taxes no matter what option I 
check.  Is this correct?  I'd assumed ( yes I know ) that I'd get a row for 
each type of tax applied, so for the UK, I'd see the totals for all items 
taxed at 10% then another row for all the items taxed at 17.5%.  I'm not sure 
what the intended behaviour is.  Personally I'm below the VAT threshold so 
this is is of no matter to me, just curious.  The fix I posted does show the 
appropriate tax for the line correctly but the "show individual taxes" thing 
puzzles me.

Mike E

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