Save As MySQL is crashing gnucash

Ian X Waddington iwaddox at
Sat Nov 27 09:29:24 EST 2010


Thank you, there is some good advice here. I do actually have a laptop with Ubuntu 10.10 on but have never considered using it as my 'proper' machine, we just use it occasionally as a spare machine and for the odd job that just seems too hard on Windows.

My PC is currently dual booting XP & Windows 7 so I'd be quite comfortable switching to Windows 7 & Ubuntu; I guess switching over completely is just a question of confidence and as Don pointed out taking a backup with Acronis removes most of the risk anyway and provides an easy way back.

Most of the stuff I do seems to be readily available for Ubuntu, I guess what I'm looking for is the site that lists the most popular Ubuntu equivalents to all the popular Windows application, I am sure one must exist.

I think for now I'm going to move my 'move from MS-Money to GnuCash' project onto my Ubuntu laptop as this seems to be the most popular option and by the sounds of it more reliable but unless I can find a way of getting a future forecast balance for my checking account (or any other account for that matter) I will be forced to stick with MS-Money.  I couldn't possible live with the stress of not knowing whether I'm about to go overdrawn or not.

Colin, do you mind me asking what you are using to produce your SQL reports?

Anyway, I am going to have to do more testing on Win 7 though for no other reason than it is annoying me!!



-----Original Message-----
From: Colin Law [mailto:clanlaw at] 
Sent: 27 November 2010 11:28
To: Ian X Waddington
Cc: Geert Janssens; Gnucash Devel; gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: Save As MySQL is crashing gnucash

On 27 November 2010 10:58, Ian X Waddington <iwaddox at> wrote:
> Hi
> No I do not need to use MySQL at all, the xml option works fine.
> I was thinking that if I get the data into an MySQL database I might 
> be able to access the data more easily (read\only) to look at 
> producing some form of checking account forecasting tool, either with XL or Access.
> I am really keen to switch from MS-Money UK to GnuCash but I rely 
> heavily on being able to forecast how much will be in (or not be in) 
> my checking account as we run towards payday - so far I've not had any 
> response with any good tips on how to do this so was considering 
> building something myself using tools I've more chance of making progress with, MySQL, XL or Access.
> Thank you for your help
> Perhaps I am misguided :-)

I don't think you are misguided, I am generating reports for myself from the mysql database with great success.  I use Ubuntu so do not have the windoze issues.

Off Topic I know, but you could use this as an excuse to move away from Windows.  I moved to Ubuntu a couple of years ago and have never regretted the learning curve.  On Ubuntu I feel in control of my PC again and it is so much snappier in performance on my non top of the range PC.  You can forget about virus scanners too.  Community support is great if you have any problems.  The PC can be setup with a dual boot so you can either run Windows or Ubuntu so don't have to burn bridges.


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