
Yawar Amin yawar.amin at
Tue Sep 7 23:58:30 EDT 2010


On 2010-09-06, at 07:09, Geoffrey Tonks wrote:

> Hi,
> I downloaded Gnucash to have a look at it, I do not want to use it but can not delete the files from my computer.
> Every time I try to remove the files I get a message saying "In use" "close applications" but I don't have the files open.
> Can you please tell me how to remove the files, thanks, I'm using a Mac.
> Regards
> Geoff

I assume you want to uninstall it by dragging the application bundle out of Applications and into Trash? If this isn't working, then either GnuCash is still running or a background process started by GnuCash is still running. I'll come to the latter in a bit, but first, GnuCash itself:

You have to make sure that you've quit GnuCash. If you're a Mac user, you probably already know how to check if a program is running or not, but just in case, I recommend starting GnuCash, and clicking GnuCash > Quit to make sure it's not running.

If you're 100% that GnuCash is not running but you still can't trash the app bundle, it may be a background process started by GnuCash that's still running. A background process is basically a hidden program that you never interact with. To quit that, start Activity Monitor (a quick way is to search for it in Spotlight), set the drop-down on the upper-right of the Activity Monitor window to `All Processes', and type `dbus' in the search box with the greyed-out text `Filter'. You should see a process called `dbus-daemon' in the list. Just click it and click the red `Quit Process' button. Now, you should be able to trash

Hope this helps,


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