Development visualisation with gource

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Sat Sep 11 05:05:48 EDT 2010

On Wednesday 8 September 2010, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Today I felt like doing something else than hunting bugs on the GnuCash
>  code, so I made something prettier:
> This video is a visual representation of the development of GnuCash since
>  its early beginnings in 1997 up until today.
> This almost 7 minutes video was created with gource
> (, using the following command:
> gource -1280x720 --highlight-all-users -s .05 \
>        --hide-filenames --user-scale 2 --crop horizontal \
>        --date-format "%d %B %Y" --stop-at-end --output-ppm-stream - \
>        --output-framerate 30 . | ffmpeg -y -b 3000K -r 30 \
>        -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 \
>        -vpre slow /home/janssege/gnucash-gource.mp4
> Just for fun...
> Geert
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Thanks for all your feedback.

The movie was fun to make and gives some rough indication on the evolution of 
GnuCash throughout the years.

As others have already pointed out, it's not an accurate representation of who 
contributed what. I have mentioned this on the Youtube page for the video, but 
omitted here in my e-mail. This is mostly a limitation of the original version 
control systems (cvs and svn) which only record the name of the committers, 
not the actual authors. Git performs better in that respect, it stores both 
the committer name and the author name.

Also, the video was made for svn trunk only, so it only shows the work during 
development. Maintenance work on branches and tagging is not shown.


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