2.6 Release

Robert L Brush III gnucash at wvit.net
Wed Dec 28 23:43:54 EST 2011

>From a marketing standpoint I think it would be good to see some number
bump.  It could be beneficial in attracting new money into the project,
or new help - both good for every user, biz or home.  I know it's not a
1:1 relationship, but there is safety in reliable and predictable
releases especially looking from the outside in, it is more inviting.
Personally I don't care what the number or release is, I appreciate it
enough that it is really irrelevant, but it is good to consider other

>From a Fedora standpoint, one of their platforms is first, I would love
to get the new biz features in front of their user base.   I think any
of the new features could justify a bump, even if not to 2.6, maybe a
"b" for business after it, some how get the secret out, this is really
good for small business users.  


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