2.4 and sqlite...

Gour gour at atmarama.net
Mon Jan 3 01:54:36 EST 2011

On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 11:47:23 -0800
>>>>>> "J." == "J. Alex Aycinena" wrote:

J.> Also as a constructive comment, please realize that it is impossible
J.> for the developers to test every possible combination of environments 
J.> and libraries that is represented in the user base. 

Well, here we are not talking about many 'possible combinations'...

libdbi-0.8.2 which works is almost 4 yrs old, while the 'newer' 0.8.3
which is broken is almost 3yrs old, so it's not hard to anticipate
that not all Linux distros are shipping with 'epic' 0.8.2.

/me is running x86_64 Arch with 0.8.3

Moreover, as John Ralls wrote: "The bug affects only 32-bit x86 builds
with gcc 4.3 or later. It was detected during 2.3 testing on Fedora
and resolved with the Fedora maintainers...", my question is why it
was not tested more at that time?

Finally, even, today, there is no warning on web site saying that
using sqlite3 back-end with libdbi-0.8.3 is broken??

J.> interested parties that are not developers can certainly help with the 
J.> development efforts is to participate in testing by downloading and 
J.> exercising pre-release builds and reporting problems they find. For 
J.> the project as a whole, there is probably too little of this. 

I agree...I did compile one of the 3.x series to check whether it
works with sqlite, but couldn't test extensively not being familiar
with Gnucash since I was/am evaluating some invoicing-only apps.



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA
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