Splash Screen

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Wed Jan 26 10:59:05 EST 2011

On Wednesday 26 January 2011, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Geert Janssens <janssens-geert at telenet.be> writes:
> > Well, I didn't really make the splash screen go away, I removed the
> > option that enabled users to make the splash screen go away. The result
> > was that people couldn't get rid of the splash screen anymore so quite
> > the opposite.
> I'm not sure why you made this option go away.  Clearly users were using
> it.
I was looking in a cleanup of the preferences dialog. I didn't just remove the 
option, but after a query on the mailing list. Having received 0 responses, I 
considered no-one used the option so it could go. Only after it was removed 
people started complaining. So I put it back.

I still think such an option is superfluous. The main complaint was not about 
having a splash screen, but that it insisted in being in front of everything 
else. Since John just fixed that problem, the option could possibly be 
unnecessary again. But I'm not into reorganizing the preferences right now, so 
I won't change anything right now.


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