I can't find working libdbi version

Christoph Holtermann c.holtermann at gmx.de
Wed Jan 26 22:36:57 EST 2011

Hello !
>     If make debug didn't work, what failed? Did you edit configure to remove -ffast-math from the CFLAGS for Linux before running it?
I edited configure and removed -ffast-math and ran "make". The result was the same as with "make debug".
I get stuck at the error message :

"The library "libdbi" installed on your system doesn't correctly store large numbers.  This means GnuCash cannot use SQL databases correctly.  Gnucash will not open or save to SQL databases until this is fixed by installing a different version of "libdbi".  Please see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=611936 for more information."

The logfile says :
* 04:19:18  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_load_backend]  selected GnuCash Libdbi (MYSQL) Backend
* 04:19:18  INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [mysql_error_fn] DBI error: 1367: Illegal double '797692e+307' value found during parsing
* 04:19:18  INFO <gnc.backend.dbi> [mysql_error_fn] Note: GbcDbiSqlConnection not yet initialized. Skipping further error processing.
* 04:19:18  WARN <gnc.backend.dbi> [conn_test_dbi_library()] Test_DBI_Library: Failed to insert test row into table
* 04:19:18  INFO <qof.session> [qof_session_begin] Done running session_begin on backend
* 04:19:28  CRIT <gnc.backend.dbi> gnc_dbi_unlock: assertion `dbi_conn_error( dcon, NULL ) == 0' failed

I tried that for both (libdbi&libdbi-drivers CVS) and (libdbi-0.8.4, drivers 0.8.3-1).


Christoph Holtermann

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