Proposal: Branch 2.4-stable and trunk now
Geert Janssens
janssens-geert at
Sat Mar 12 04:56:06 EST 2011
On maandag 7 maart 2011, John Ralls wrote:
> On Mar 7, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Christian Stimming wrote:
> > Dear developers,
> >
> > I propose to branch a 2.4-stable branch now, so that we can introduce
> > several pending changes on trunk without risking to loose the stable
> > code state we have in 2.4.3.
> >
> > Pending changes for trunk are:
> > - Requiring guile-1.8 (i.e. throwing out guile-1.6 support)
> > - Requiring gtk-2.16 et al., and (as soon as we upgraded the windows
> > webkit binary) gtk-2.20 - Adding Andy Clayton's python module addition
> > [1] so that python scripts can be used inside gnucash - Adding Andy
> > Clayton's javascript and jqplot patches [2] so that reports with
> > javascript can be used - Throwing out gtkhtml, requiring webkit
> >
> > These are enough useful changes which may introduce a temporary
> > instability so that we should branch off the stable branch. I would have
> > loved to see this branch creation done in a more branch/merge-friendly
> > version control system, but well, this seem to have to wait. For now we
> > should go ahead with this branch and enable cool new features on trunk.
> >
> > Questions? Comments?
Since you proposed the branching and most people agreed, I was more or less
expecting you to commit the branch.
Is there something you are still waiting for to go ahead, like the git repo
being in place or something ?
> I thought that we'd decided on Gtk+-2.18.1 for 2.6, based on that being in
> RHEL 6.
2.18 seems a fair base choice indeed. The windows build will likely use a more
recent version since 2.18 was pretty buggy there. But that doesn't mean the
base line should be more recent either.
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