And yet another stable release, 2.4.4, soon?

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sat Mar 12 12:34:07 EST 2011

Am Samstag, 12. März 2011 schrieb Phil Longstaff:
> > there has been a bugfix for an annoying windows bug recently in r20380,
> > "Bug #521817 - Guid_init causes very long startup delay if Novell
> > Network active". IMHO this already justifies another stable release,
> > 2.4.4. After all, that's what stable releases are for - fixing bugs and
> > that's it. Can we have such a release within the next days?
> I had envisioned a new stable release every 6 weeks or so, perhaps
> sooner if absolutely required.  I will build 2.4.4 this weekend.

Well, we surely *could* run a release schedule that is time-based. But we 
haven't done this before. In the past we never payed attention to the 
hypothetical time schedule of when a new stable release would have been due. 
Hence, obviously we are running a feature-based stable release schedule as 
opposed to a time-based one right now. (Also, if we're going for a time-based 
schedule I would definitely prefer a 4 week interval over a 6 week interval, 
but that's another discussion.)

And as we're currently rather in a feature-based release mode, it is my 
understanding that we already collected enough features (i.e. especially user-
visible bugfixes) which warrants a new release this weekend. Thanks for 
working on this!



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