Empty account tab

Cristian Marchi cri79 at libero.it
Thu Mar 17 10:48:21 EDT 2011

I was browsing through the tutorials and concepts guide and I've found 
out that chapter 3.3.2 [1] says to not select any account group from the 
new hierarchy account assistant. I noticed that if I don't select any of 
the available predefined structures, the forward button is greyed out. 
So I can't see no way to get an empty "accounts" tab unless I select at 
least one of the predefined accounts groups and I then delete each top 
level account from the "accounts" tab. Is this behavior intended? Is it 
right that a user need to start at least with a predefined account 
structure instead of being able to create one completely from scratch? 
Would it be a good idea to add an entry in the predefined accounts 
groups saying "empty structure", "blank page" or something like that? 
Just some thought.


[1] http://code.gnucash.org/docs/guide/accts-examples1.html

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