Stable or developemnt Version?

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Sun Mar 20 07:11:27 EDT 2011

On zaterdag 19 maart 2011, Stephen Brown wrote:
> Hi All,
> Under Mictosoft Vista, does build the stable version of GNUCash
> or the developement version.
> Stephen Grant Brown.
Which version will be built depends on which branch you have the install 
script checkout from subversion.

By default it checks out the 'trunk' branch, which is in principle the 
development branch, so the development version.

If you wish to build the stable version, you should in principle configure the 
scripts (via a script) to checkout the stable branch instead.

I wrote "in principle" twice, because in the time period shortly after a new 
major release (like 2.4.0 a couple of months back), the development branch is 
exclusively used to fix bugs in the new release and is there no separate 
branch for the stable release just yet.

So at this moment, if you build from trunk, you will get both the stable 
version and the development version, as they are the same thing.

There was talk of creating a 2.4 branch a few days ago, but so far that hasn't 
happened yet. Once a 2.4 branch is created, all stable development (meaning 
bugfixes) continues on that branch, while trunk will be open for unstable 
development (new features, big changes,...). At that point you will have to 
modify your to choose between the stable or unstable version to 


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