GNUCash Spanish translation 2.4.4 and trunk

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sat Mar 26 14:46:20 EDT 2011

Dear Francisco,

thank you very much for your updated translation. I've committed it into our 
SVN for the next release of the stable (2.4.x) branch so that it will be in 
2.4.5 and all following releases.

Note: As we've now created separate branches for subsequent 2.4.x releases vs. 
experimental development (trunk), the translations are maintained *only* for 
the 2.4 branch. I've explained this on : 
>     The complete translation is maintainted only in
>     the branch-2.4 of gnucash. The po files in trunk are completely
>     unchanged since the branching of branch-2.4, and they should stay this
>     way until trunk becomes the new stable branch. Only at that point in
>     time we will copy the existing po files from branch-2.4 to trunk,
>     merge them with the current trunk pot template, and fill in the last
>     missing translations.
>     Rationale for this: The pot templates for trunk
>     and branch-2.4 are way different because not all string-changing
>     changesets of trunk are back-ported to branch-2.4 and vice versa. So
>     if someone wants to have a 100% translation for both, he/she must
>     maintain two translations instead of one, which sucks. That's why we
>     limit any translation work to the stable branch only, and that's why I
>     stated this very clearly on Translation.

Thanks again for your contribution!

Best Regards,


Am Samstag, 26. März 2011 schrieb Francisco Javier:
> Dear people,
> This is an update for Spanish translation of GNUCash.

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