GSoC Proposal: Live news feed from financial newspapers

Ajay Thomas at
Wed Mar 30 07:59:24 EDT 2011

Dear Christian

I have been going through the codes of gnucash. There are a few things I
would like to clear.

I didn't quite get the difference between Menu only Plugins and Content
Plugins, the difference in functionality between the two. I looked into
gnc-plugin-bi_import.c source code under plugins but it still didn't answer
my doubt.

I am currently going through the src/optional/gtkmm. I also looked into the
gnucash report renderer using webkit (src/html/gnc-html-webkit.c) and I have
a small doubt regarding implementation of my proposal using webkit. Will it
be coding html and Javascript codes in a webkit c file?

Last, I would like to know, if I have to come to a conclusion about which
technology I am going to use before the application deadline (April 8). I
feel there won't be enough time by then to actually come to a conclusion
about the implementation to be used. I intend to study thoroughly and
develop some test plugins using both gtk widgets and webkit window before I
can actually come to a conclusion.

Thank you

2011/3/28 Christian Stimming <stimming at>

> Dear Ajay,
> Am Montag, 28. März 2011 schrieb Ajay Thomas:
> > I have used HTML and JavaScript to develop a test Facebook application
> > using an iframe. So, I should be comfortable using HTML and JavaScript.
> > Also, I've past experience in web development of my university web sites
> > and other projects. I have also experience in C and C++ coding over the
> > past 4 years. I will think about the design considerations involved in
> > using C/C++ with gtk/gtkmm. I will implement the feature based on which
> > language and technology provides better functionality and how well it can
> > be integrated into the current code base of GnuCash.
> This sounds like a good overview. I think your basic idea will turn into a
> very nice project proposal, and as you go along, you can add more details
> to
> your proposal here.
> > I'll let you know of my progress and if I have questions or ideas
> regarding
> > which implementation I'll narrow down to, can I contact you through irc
> or
> > can we discuss my progress through the development list itself?
> Unfortunately I myself are not available for IRC very often - other
> developers
> are, so you can give it a try. During the application phase, discussing
> your
> project should be done right here through the mailing list. If your
> application is accepted by Google, we will set up additional ways of
> communication including IRC or similar instant messaging (I'll have more
> time
> for that in May).
> Regards,
> Christian

Ajay Thomas
II Year, Comp. Sc. Engg.
NITK Surathkal

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