git-svn and local feature branch (git svn dcommit error ?)
Christian Stimming
christian at
Sat May 21 17:52:46 EDT 2011
Am Samstag, 21. Mai 2011 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> I probably created this by dcommitting from two separate git working
> branches without first waiting for a repo sync, then git-updating and then
> rebasing my working branches to the new trunk.
> Anyway the solution is the remove the .git/svn directory to reset git-svn's
> metadata. After that, dcommit worked again.
> I can see also now that this probably can be avoided altogether by using
> your workflow, namely rebasing trunk on the working branch you want to
> dcommit instead of the other way around. That ensures all dcommits happen
> from the same branch (trunk).
Right, that's what I would have suggested as well (probably). I'd say that
since all commits to SVN inherently need to be rebased on SVN-trunk, the
developer should probably rebase or cherry-pick them to his local trunk
tracking branch, then always svn-dcommit from that same trunk tracking branch.
> I'll note that this was not clear from our git wiki page. I have added an
> example workflow so other new users of our git setup don't have to make the
> same mistakes. Can you proofread my additions to make sure I didn't write
> too much nonsense ?
Why do you run the rebase the way you do? You rebase your trunk on your local
feature branch, which means you will change your trunk branch:
I would have expected that the other way round first: Your feature branch need
to be rebased on trunk because for SVN, any of your changes must be rebased on
SVN's trunk anyway. Then, you can "rebase" (or rather: fast-forward) your
local trunk on feature which means your local trunk is based on SVN-trunk plus
all commits from your feature branch. Then, you can dcommit.
I wouldn't expect a "git merge" anywhere in this workflow, again because SVN
forces us to rebase for anything that is dcommitted. The only exception would
be to keep around a feature branch that is based on some older trunk commit
and it contains stuff that is not (yet) in SVN trunk. However, in that case I
would cherry-pick specific commits from the feature branch into trunk, dcommit
those to SVN, and only then run "git checkout feature; git merge trunk". But
you won't need that if your feature branch was dcommitted to SVN in full
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