git-svn and local feature branch (git svn dcommit error ?)

Christian Stimming christian at
Sun May 22 15:54:49 EDT 2011

Am Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011 schrieb John Ralls:
> The procedure in the Wiki page is what I think is correct (and what I've
> done).
> It's perfectly normal in git to get part of a complicated feature done and
> copy that bit to the main branch (trunk for us, but "master" is the usual
> name in git repos) and then to keep working on the feature branch. In that
> case one should periodically merge the main branch into the feature branch

Yes, absolutely, for the normal git workflow.

However, here we are talking about the git-svn branch from which we want to 
dcommit to SVN. The IMHO unexpected part here is this:

> git checkout trunk
> git rebase feature
> git svn dcommit

I.e. why is the "trunk" rebased on top of the "feature" branch, then being d-
committed? Either all of the feature branch should go into SVN, in which case 
I would rebase "feature" on top of "trunk" (i.e. the other way round compared 
to the above steps). Or the "feature" commits should not (yet) be committed, 
in which case I would do

> git checkout feature
> git merge trunk

and then occasionally cherry-pick some of "feature"'s commits into trunk and 
d-commit from there. In the end, I would again rebase "feature" on top of 
"trunk" and this way d-commit all the commits that haven't been cherry-picked 
to trunk before.

I agree this "git merge trunk" is written in the end of this new section, and 
that's what I have expected. But the "git rebase feature" still looks 
unexpected to me.



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