Restyled GnuCash website is online

Wm Tarr wm.tarr at
Sun Sep 25 05:20:16 EDT 2011

On 2011-09-25 09:41, Cristian Marchi wrote:
> The GnuCash team is proud to announce the new appearance of the 
> GnuCash website (!
> The GnuCash website got updated both in appearance and content. The 
> features page got some attention and now it better showcases what 
> GnuCash is able to offer to its users. In addition to the features 
> page, the content was updated also for the download and documentation 
> pages. In this last page, you can now download the GnuCash docs in the 
> epub format (e-book file format).
> The GnuCash team hopes that you will enjoy the new look and contents 
> of the refreshed website.
> For any problem concerning the new website or to help translating it 
> in your language, feel free to contact the GnuCash devel mailing list 
> (gnucash-devel at

I wouldn't say it is a problem as such but some of the english isn't how 
an english speaking person would say something.  I understand perfectly 
what is meant, but some other people may not and they may gain a bad 
opinion of GnuCash as a result (yes, I know those people are silly, it 
is about presentation).  My offer is to normalize (american z rather 
than english s) what you have offered.  Maybe other people don't think 
it is necessary.  I am not imposing so much as suggesting.
Wm ...

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