GSoC 2012 final evaluation passed

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Aug 30 10:30:45 EDT 2012

On Aug 30, 2012, at 4:55 AM, Ngewi Fet <ngewif at> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The final evaluation for GSoC 2012 is out and I glad to say that I passed
> it. Thanks for all the support I received.
> I would like to continue to maintain Gnucash for Android going forward.
> Is there anything I need to know or do (like processes to be adhered to
> etc)?
> A few things come to mind:
> 1. Up till now, I have just used the GitHub tracker for issues. Do I have
> to migrate it somewhere else?
> 2. Secondly, code hosting. The code is currently hosted on Github and I am
> ok with it.
>    But from following the other (Git migration) mails on the list, it
> seems there is not much love for GitHub.
>    Personally I would prefer to continue to use it, but if I have to move
> it somewhere else, ok.
> 3. Contributions. Since this is no longer a GSoC project, it will be open
> to contributions and I intend to model it
>   around this branching model:
> These are the main points I can think of for now. Any additional
> information is very much welcome.
> In the meantime, I will just continue development as before.


There's no good reason to move GnucashMobile's code into the Gnucash repository and Github is as good a public repo as any. Everything else depends on how much you want to integrate marketing, distribution, and support into Gnucash's. Github provides a wiki feature, but you can also use Gnucash's. I suppose you'll continue to use gnucash-users for primary support, which is fine. Until you become frustrated with Github issues and pull requests, the only reason to move to Bugzilla is that users might find it confusing to have two places to report bugs. That should be addressable with a good web page.

Which is, I think, your next step: A web page describing GnucashMobile, with download, documentation, and support instructions. There should be a link from the Gnucash main page and other appropriate places (e.g. the documentation page). Once that's set up, an announcement for the news stream. I think you can do the rest of whatever documentation you want in the wiki. We should give you commit auth for the website, but that can take a while, so if you can make a patch then one of us can commit it for you.

Beyond that, the biggest hole I see is translations. I don't know how Java handles i18n, but I can see that there are only English strings. You'll need  to provide whatever template file works for Java/Android, and to appeal for translators to contribute.

John Ralls


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