const gchar* vs gchar *

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Sat Dec 22 06:51:10 EST 2012

And now a question to show that I never had a formal c/c++ education.

Are the below functions equivalent ?

void funcA ()
     gchar *varA = g_strdup ("Test");
     <do something with a>
    g_free (varA);


void funcA ()
     const gchar *varA = g_strdup ("Test");
     <do something with a>

I'm mostly wondering if the second function would have a memory leak or 
not. If varA is defined as a const gchar *, will the program 
automatically free the memory allocated with g_strdup ?

I don't expect so, but I'm seeing mixed uses in GnuCash and want to 
determine for once and for all what is the proper way to handle this.


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