Need help with documentation edits

David Carlson carlson.dl at
Fri Feb 24 19:52:37 EST 2012


I am following the instructions at
<> so that
I can submit an update to the documentation.

I have a problem doing step 5 - validate xml changes.

in a command window in Windows 7 I succeeded in checking out
gnucash-docs, and I used jEdit to apply my changes to

Then going back to the command prompt changing to the
gnucash-docs\help\c directory and attempting to enter xmllint --valid
--noout gnucash-guide.xml I receive the error 'xmllint' is not
recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Do I need to install xmllint separately from subversion?  If so, how do
I do that?

Thank you

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