Building gnucash on Ubuntu 12.04 Alpha

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Jan 30 15:13:56 EST 2012

On 30 January 2012 17:47, Derek Atkins <warlord at> wrote:
> Geert Janssens <janssens-geert at> writes:
>> Well, I'm not sure about that. On fedora the libgnome library is also
>> in the subdirectory of libglade, just as on Ubuntu. I don't think the
>> libraries in that directory are loaded via the normal LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>> settings, but using a manual call to ldopen or something from within
>> libglade.
>> Something must have changed in Ubuntu 12.04 which causes this to fail.
> Note that we are talking about two things here.  There is the gnome
> library (in /usr/lib), and the Glade Gnome Plugin (which lives under the
> libglade directory).  The issue here is that libglade cannot load its
> gnome plugin.  No, it should NOT be in /usr/lib -- but it should be able
> to load itself.
>>> Since the packaged
>>> version of Gnucash suffers from the same problem I hope that whoever
>>> is responsible for that will get it sorted.
>> Yes, that would be the best option.
> You should file a bug with Ubuntu.

I did that a few days ago (I did mention it in an earlier post).
No action on it so far.


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