GnuCash XML spec

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Thu Nov 1 12:39:56 EDT 2012

On 01-11-12 15:21, John Ralls wrote:
> On Nov 1, 2012, at 3:49 AM, Ngewi Fet <ngewif at> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have a few questions about the GnuCash XML.
>> Is there any XSD schema for GnuCash XML or only the RELAX NG schema? If
>> there is, can someone point me in the right direction.
>> Also, is the RELAX NG schema at:
>> current?
> Ngewi,
> You can use Trang ( to convert an RNG schema to XSD.
> Gnucash-v2.rnc was contributed only a few months ago, so it's current. Whether or not it's complete or correct is another matter.
It is fairly complete, but that's all I can say. I have tested in on 
some of my datafiles which are full of business objects, the author 
tested extensively as well. I haven't tested how it reacts on cache data 
stored by the importers. The author has sent in two small patches that 
are currently still lingering in bugzilla until I find the time to 
commit them.

And lastly, although the schema is pretty complete, validation against 
the schema doesn't guarantee a valid xml file for gnucash. There is 
quite some data that is stored in kvp slots. There is no way to validate 
the interdependencies of these slots via any form of xml shema. The kvp 
slots are an old design decision we have been dragging along for years 
and is one of the reasons you should not alter any data except via the 
GnuCash API.


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