r22398 - gnucash/trunk/src/bin - Parse arguments before initializing GTK so --add-price-quotes works

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Wed Sep 19 15:13:27 EDT 2012

On 18-09-12 15:54, John Ralls wrote:
> Why unfortunate? It's gtk_init, after all, and in the case of add-price-quotes we don't even *want* to init gtk. If gtk_init_with_args is processing the command-line (including file paths) better than GOption then *that's* the design problem: Gtk shouldn't be duplicating GLib functionality, and GLib should be able to handle all supported systems.
Well, I interpreted things wrongly. The user confirmed that file loading 
still works with Mike's changes. So there's no need to do some special 
casing. GOption is handling things perfectly fine. It must have been 
some other change that came from the libgnome removal that fixed the 
file loading issue. Since it works now, I have no intention to look further.


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