Price preference

Mike Alexander mta at
Thu Dec 5 16:59:08 EST 2013

--On December 5, 2013 8:41:19 PM +0100 Geert Janssens 
<janssens-geert at> wrote:

> On Thursday 05 December 2013 11:29:06 David T. wrote:
>> As more of a user (who lurks on -devel), I think it would be better
>> for the dialog NOT to specify ANYTHING than to suggest something that
>> we know (or can reasonably assume) is wrong. That way lies insanity.
>> And lots of complaints on gnucash-user.
>> David
> I understand your point of view but I think reality contradicts it.
> The transfer  dialog has always offered a best guess for as long as
> it exists. I have not heard  any complaint about this so far.
> The only subtle change I'm proposing here is to align the code with
> the original  intention: truly propose the nearest in time (still
> being fuzzy). If I hadn't brought  it up, nobody would have noticed.
> But this being an open community, I  preferred to talk about it...

I agree.  Having no default would be silly.  If people understand where 
the default comes from, they can accept it or change it as their needs 


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