Help needed on the bug reports on gnucash reports?

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Tue Mar 26 13:46:37 EDT 2013

[ Reposted from another mail address. Sorry if you received this mail twice ]

Hi Carsten,

Thank you for your offer to help us with the bug reports.

In addtition to your proposed suggestions, I would also like to add:
- if there's not enough information to reproduce a bug, ask the original 
reporter for more details. Often a gnucash trace file helps already (1)
- in general make sure a bug report is complete: is the platform given 
(linux/windows/mac, 32 bit/64bit, what happened, does it happen alway, how to 
- find duplicate bugs and mark them as such
- ...

The other developers may has some additional suggestions.

Note that I have moved your question to the gnucash-devel mailing list since 
it is development related.

Thanks again for volunteering.


(1) Where to find the gnucash trace file depends a bit on the user's platform. 
Here is a link I usually provide to the bug submitters for more details:

On Monday 25 March 2013 19:34:23 Carsten Rinke wrote:
> Hi,
> I just browsed through some of the bug reports about GnuCash reports.
> Looks like some bugs have been confirmed but are still in status
> unconfirmed since ages (and similar issues).
> It seems, there is some cleanup needed, e.g. closing old and not
> reproducable bugs, re-classifying reported bugs into enhancement
> requests etc.
> How can I help with that?
> Carsten
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