Pushing git some more - htdocs

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Fri May 17 13:20:34 EDT 2013

I'm making a lot of git noise on the list today ;)

Here's the thing. I think most of the infrastructure and code changes required for a git 
migration are in place. Only the possibility of some future 2.4 releases are tying us to svn. 
That's ok.

The 2.4 limitation on the other hand only affects the gnucash and gnucash-docs repositories, 
due to the windows tag builds for 2.4 (which still depend on svn).

That also means that the htdocs repository does not have this limitation :-) Everything related 
to our website is really git-ready: the repository has been migrated, the live website update is 
triggered from the git repository on code.gnucash.org, notification mails are generated (but 
not sent to the lists yet) and the live website itself has been a git clone for a while now.

So I'd like to make the htdocs repository the first repository to cut its ties to svn completely. 
The first one to go fully git.

*I'd like to do this somewhere next weekend.* If someone has issues or questions regarding 
this, please speak up.

For those still unfamiliar with git, I have added some minimal documentation on working in a 
pure git environment to our git wiki page (1) already (feel free to improve here). Other than 
that you will find plenty of fine git introductions on the internet.

A quick summary of what this would entail:
* Disable write access to the htdocs svn repository for everybody
* Configure the git notification mails for htdocs to go to the proper lists
* Enable write access on the gnucash-htdocs repository

A note to those who currently have commit access to svn: if you recently used 
"update_my_keys" function on code.gnucash.org to change your ssh key, you will not have 
commit access to gnucash-htdocs after the migration. In that case please contact Derek in 
private to get your new key configured for git as well.

That should conclude my git announcements for today...


(1) http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git

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