Navigation 2.5.1

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Tue May 21 04:47:27 EDT 2013

On Monday 20 May 2013 00:28:00 Mike Alexander wrote:
> I agree completely with this.  I want to ba able to easily enter
> transactions using only the keyboard.  Moving back and forth between
> the mouse and the keyboard really slows things down and is very
> annoying.  For example, I've noticed that after I enter a transaction
> and accept it, the blank transaction is highlighted, but isn't
> editable.  Page up and page down seem to do nothing very interesting
> and I can't find any key stroke that makes the blank transaction
> editable.  I have to use the mouse to make it editable.  I presume this
> is a bug.
>From Robert's description hitting a space should activate it. Did that not 
work either ?

This is or course aside of the point that explicitly activating should not be 
required, but could be used as a temporary workaround.


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