r23002 - htdocs - htdocs: replace content with a readme file informing everyone the repo has moved to git

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Mon May 27 11:23:40 EDT 2013

On Sunday 26 May 2013 21:32:39 Christian Stimming wrote:
> Great, thanks!
> One minor issue: Could you please commit the readme file under trunk, so
> that updating a "trunk" working copy will indeed result in the readme file?
> With the way you've committed right now, updating a "trunk" working copy
> will give the error message
> > htdocs-trunk$ svn update
> > svn: Target path '/htdocs/trunk' does not exist
> which is mildly confusing... Thanks in any case!
> Christian

Hi Christian,

That's a valid point. So I have now readded the trunk and branches/beta directories. In each 
of those I have added the htdocs moved message, with some quick instructions on how to 
check out the respective branch from git instead. I also point out in there that trunk in svn 
is now master in git.

I tried updating my old svn htdocs checkout of trunk, which gave me no errors anymore.


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