Bug 336843 - Attach files to Transactions

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.fremont.ca.us
Thu Nov 14 10:15:05 EST 2013

On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:32 PM, David <sunfish62 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> As a longtime user and sometime documentarian, John, I'd have to vote for going ahead, with some clear statement that makes it clear that this is an initial attempt to provide a long-requested feature. I think that while your points are valid, the general concepts involved are mostly straightforward, and users looking for this feature will put up with the rough edges.

Agreed, except that there is no documentation. Perhaps you could include "now" in "sometime documentarian"? Please?

> The precedent here is the db backend, which has been a part of the package for a while, but continues to be considered experimental. Even with all its flaws, it's been included. I think this feature is easier for end users to groom than the db that is not a db. I vote for adding it.

OK, that's a persuasive argument. 

John Ralls

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