Windows wiki pages

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Tue Oct 22 12:03:19 EDT 2013

This weekend I have spent some time to reorganize our wiki pages for 
Windows. We had two pages:

(There is actually a third one
but that is only kept for reference).

The names of the wiki pages would suggest one is directed at people 
interested in developing GnuCash on Windows, while the other then 
logically should be targeting Windows users. Unfortunately that was not 
the case at all. The former (Windows) was a mixture of information for 
ordinary users and developers, while the latter (Windows/Development) 
only added one useful tip for developers.

So I set out and rearranged these pages. "Windows" now collects 
information useful for an ordinary user (where's the installer, how to 
install FQ, where to find the trace file, which is usually requested 
when asking for help, common issues,...).

Windows/Development now collects everything that is useful to the 
potential developer on the Windows platform (how to set up the build 
environment, common issues encountered when building,...)

User issues that are only affecting older versions of GnuCash (older 
than current stable and unstable) have been moved to a separate page and 
are kept for reference only:
This page is linked to from the Windows page.

The page is kept as well 
as a reference for old development issues. This page is linked to from 
the Windows/Development page.

I hope this will make it a little easier for GnuCash users on Windows to 
find useful information specific to their platform.

And as it's a wiki, please feel free to improve on my work !


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