Default account structure for different locales

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at
Wed Jan 29 14:23:39 EST 2014

Hi Ngewi,

Am 29.01.2014 14:05, schrieb Ngewi Fet:
> Hello everyone,
> I am working on generating the default GnuCash account structure in the
> Android app without having to export from desktop and then import. For this
> to happen, I need the account structure file for different locales.

I am not shure that is worth the effort. From what I saw, most common
templates are a plain translation of C. Their translators were not brave
enough to do a real localization. So the users still needs to adjust
them. And that is likely easier done in GnuCash. Eventually you should
inform them in some way about this?

OTOH it might be a good fallback, if the user didn't use GnuCash before
or with to use the app with another program.

> Ngewi Fet
> PS: Please reply to the list not me directly so that anyone else from your
> local who was thinking of doing the same can spare themselves some effort.

Just my 2¢

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