Python Bindings

Marc Shapiro marcnshap at
Sat May 31 14:42:14 EDT 2014

Keeping this on the list...

That's documentation, of a sort.  Not great, but it does pretty much 
verify that there is nothing in there for handling budget, or future 
transactions.  Since I would need that in order to do a proper 
forecasting report (Balance Sheet on an arbitrary date in the future) it 
looks like my only option is to try and teach myself just enough Guile 
to follow the current reports and combine them.  I had started on this, 
then got stuck.  I figured that if there was a way to avoid learning any 
LISP derivative that it was a good thing to do.  It does not look like 
it is going to work out,, however.  It's either back to Guile, or pass 
on creating the report.


On 05/28/2014 08:37 AM, angus wrote:
> Marc
> I'm a fairly typical programmer - what's documentation :-)
> I've mainly been using it to manage my shares/investments - 
> determining cost base, summarise income and yield for a period 
> (financial year), etc. The few lines below give an example of what I'm 
> producing. The problem I had experienced was the change covered in Bug 
> 726430 - Python: account.getName() raises TypeError - "Account 
> functions return Accounts or lists of Accounts now instead of 
> SwigPyObjects." so was fairly easy to sort out once I'd figured that out.
> XXX - XXX Limited (609.00 shares; Mkt Price: $2728.32) as at 2013-06-30
> Date             Shares     Price        Value Expenses    Share 
> Bal    Value Bal    Cost Base Description
> ---------- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- ------------ 
> ------------ ------------ -----------
> 1997-11-20     152.0000   10.4300     1,585.36 0.00     152.0000     
> 1,585.36     1,585.36 Demutualisation
> 1998-06-22      52.0000   18.7000       972.40 17.02     204.0000     
> 2,557.76     2,574.78 Buy some more
> I run my Python scripts outside of gnucash. I see you've been 
> investigating tying them in more neatly with the gnucash Report menu 
> ( 
> ).  I also looked briefly at Scheme-guile and decided native Python 
> was the way to go.  Sometime in the future I might look at integrating 
> it/them better.
> I haven't yet looked at Budget info or Future transactions neither 
> with the bindings or gnucash itself. If I understood things a little 
> more I'd guess that currently the bindings for these aren't there. If 
> you look at and expand 
> python-bindings it might give a flavour for what's currently covered.
> Once I'm more comfortable with what I'm doing/done I will document it 
> for the greater good.
> Kind regards
> AnGus
> On 28/05/14 22:25, Marc Shapiro wrote:
>> Angus,
>> I have a few questions about Python bindings, and since you have been 
>> using them regularly...  Do you have any documentation on what can, 
>> or cannot be done with them?  What functions are available?  What the 
>> syntax for those functions is?  Do the bindings include functions to 
>> access budget info, or Future Transactions?
>> Marc
> -- 
> Kind regards
> AnGus King
> Switched on Solar!

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