Submit a payment from somewhere not in the GUI...

Tom Lofts dev at
Thu Nov 20 15:48:03 EST 2014

Hi Geert,

 > gncOwnerApplyPayment is one option. The other is
 > gncInvoiceApplyPayment. The former is the most generic one, the latter
 > is a convenience function that lets you apply a payment to one
 > specific invoice.

Thanks for this - I'd missed gncInvoiceApplyPayment but it turns out 
this is suitable for my needs and exposed via Invoice. ApplyPayment in 
the Python Bindings as you say - I'm not sure how I missed this!

 > I don't know exactly why this is happening I'm afraid either.
 > Presumably GetLotList returns a python type list while you should pass
 > the function a real GList. I have no experience either though in how
 > this conversion should happen.

Thanks for your thought on this - as I'll now be working with 
gncInvoiceApplyPayment this is no longer an issue for me at the present 
time, but I can report this in Bugzilla if you think this should work.

Thanks again,


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