GnuCash Android v1.6.0 pre-beta

Ngewi Fet ngewif at
Fri Apr 24 20:23:06 EDT 2015

Hello everyone,
We are kinda feature complete for the 1.6.0 release and would like to enter
the testing phase. I am releasing first to the developer mailing list, then
to the beta group and then a rolling release to the general public. Of
course while fixing any issues that arise in-between the different phases.

Attached to this email is a properly signed apk file which you can install
on your device. You can just download the attachment and install or build
your own from the sources in the develop branch (very easy to do with
Android studio).

This is a pre-beta release so please **BACK UP YOUR DATA** before
installing it.

Notable highlights in this release include:
- Improved recurrence options for scheduled transactions
- Basic reports generation (with bar, pie and line charts)
- Scheduled export to SD Card, DropBox or Google Drive
- Improved creation of backups and restoring of backups
- Improved reliability of account imports and db migrations
- Numerous bug fixes and improvements

I would like to thank Yongxin Wang and Oleksandr Tyshkovets for
contributing significantly to this release.

This release also adds automatic logging of crashes and errors to
Crashlytics which helps detect errors and improve the stability of the app.
This logging is enabled by default in pre-release builds but will be turned
off in production releases (with an option to enable it later).

Also, GnuCash Android now produces GnuCash XML which can be read by GnuCash
on the desktop (YAAAY!!) - There is a new XML export UI option and also as
backup format .gnca

*NOTE: *please remember that this is NOT a two-way synchronization*.*
However, the compatibility now enables you to start working on a file on
GnuCash desktop, open it in the mobile app, edit and save (to DropBox etc)
and then resume editing on the desktop. Each time you save, a new file is
created but the workflow is possible. GnuCash Android also registers itself
to open .gnucash files.

Accounts, transactions and scheduled transactions are the only features
supported at the moment. If your desktop file contains more features
(budgets, customers etc), these will be ignored completely.

All the same, I am excited that we have arrived this point and continue to
look forward to new features and further integration with GnuCash desktop!

So please try out this pre-release and tell me what you think.

P.S. Now is the time to send in translation for strings, or create a new
one if your language is not yet supported. Email me if you want to help but
are unsure how to.
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