gnucash master: Multiple changes pushed

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Tue Aug 4 15:40:29 EDT 2015

On Tuesday 04 August 2015 12:00:06 Derek Atkins wrote:
> Geert,
> This change seems like the wrong direction; the point of including the
> book in the API was to reduce the need for global variables/storage.
> I'd like to see GnuCash move more towards being able to have multiple
> files open simultaneously, not further away from it.
> I clearly missed the gnc:*company-name* change the preceeded this
> change otherwise I'd probably have commented on that, too.
> -derek


That's a fair point. I have reverted most of the commit that removes the 
book parameter and instead corrected gnc:company-info to require it 
(gnc:company-info was introduced by John during his kvp rewrite).

I occurred to me though that the issue is much more fundamental than 
that. I haven't found a universal way to tie a report to a book. It'd 
have expected the options database to be able to tell what book it 
belongs to, but at present it doesn't.

So for now I have had to resort to (gnc-get-current-book) for a number 
of reports instead of being able to extract the real book from one or 
the other parameter. This will have to be revisited if/when we will 
actually implement a multiple files open interface.


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