Commodities initialization list

John Ralls jralls at
Tue Aug 11 04:01:29 EDT 2015

> On Aug 11, 2015, at 8:27 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at> wrote:
> On Monday 10 August 2015 16:29:25 John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Aug 10, 2015, at 3:16 PM, Ngewi Fet <ngewif at> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Could someone point out to me where the commodities list is found in
>>> the repository?
>>> I tried searching the repo and can find code which seems to indicate
>>> that there is a file which is loaded into the database on
>>> application start. But I cannot find the list itself.
>>> I would like to initialize the Android app with the same list of
>>> commodities as the desktop version.
>>> Thanks.
>> There’s a currency list in src/engine/commodity-table.scm which holds
>> the ISO currencies. All other commodities are user-defined.
> I wasn't aware of that file. Upon inspection it contains a list of 
> commodity sources (CURRENCY, NASDAQ,...).
> As Derek replied the iso currencies themselves are in
> src/engine/iso-4217-currencies.xml
> At build time this xml file is translated into a c source file via xslt, 
> using
> src/engine/iso-currencies-to-c.xsl

Sorry, I stand corrected. I’d forgotten that we’d changed the currency table from scheme to xml in 2.6 and went looking for a scheme file. Guess I should have looked *in* the scheme file before saying anything!

John Ralls

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