Commodities initialization list

John Ralls jralls at
Tue Aug 11 12:49:32 EDT 2015

> On Aug 11, 2015, at 3:30 PM, Herbert Thoma <herbert.thoma at> wrote:
> Am 11.08.2015 um 16:18 schrieb Derek Atkins:
>> Phil Longstaff <phil.longstaff at> writes:
>>> I recently found the need to add a new stock which is traded on the TSX
>>> (Toronto Stock Exchange). Why do we hard-code commodity sources? I don't
>>> want to have to recompile to use a new exchange.
>> You don't.. It's a user-defined field with a set of pre-defined initial
>> entries.  But it's a*free-form user-enterable text field*.  So just add
>> "TSX" in the field to create a new namespace.
> Argh, please ignore my previous mail. I just looked for something like "new commodity source".
> It did not occur to me to just enter a new string to the drop-down list ...

Phil’s use of “commodity source” was confusing. If Derek and he are talking about the same thing then it’s really “commodity namespace” or “commodity type” depending on where in the GUI you look. “Namespace” is a better description, since it exists solely to make pick lists shorter.

“Source” implies to me “quote source”, and that’s dependent upon what Finance::Quote provides.

John Ralls

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