Rounding in the price db.

Mike Alexander mta at
Thu Aug 13 00:55:49 EDT 2015

--On August 12, 2015 at 10:23:09 AM +0200 Geert Janssens 
<geert.gnucash at> wrote:

> I'm not really sure about the price entered vs F::Q price. I would
> imagine that if you are tracking stock, you would be interested in
> the  exact real price you bought/sold it, which is not necessarily
> exactly  the price you get from F::Q. Wouldn't that mean that the
> price entered  should be preferred over F::Q prices at least in some
> cases ?

I was thinking about multiple currency transactions when I said I would 
prefer F::Q prices to transaction prices in the price DB.  For stock, 
etc., transactions your point makes sense.  In that case the price 
implied by a buy or sell is more likely to be a "real" price that 
should be recorded in the price DB.  On the other hand, my experience 
is that the transaction price is more likely to match the F::Q price 
for stock transactions so it matters less which you use.  Considering 
all this, I guess I still prefer to use F::Q prices over transaction 
prices in the price DB if both exist.

To address another point, the Advanced Portfolio report only uses the 
price DB to calculate the current value of the commodity (and other 
things derived from current value such as unrealized gain).  Basis and 
realized gain are always calculated from actual transactions and their 
implied prices.  I'm not sure about other reports.


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