Rounding in the price db.

Mike Alexander mta at
Thu Aug 13 17:46:11 EDT 2015

--On August 13, 2015 at 10:06:09 AM +0100 John Ralls 
<jralls at> wrote:

> Another related thought: Answering a dialog box every time one enters
> a two-currency transaction is going to annoy anyone who has to enter
> a bunch of such transactions. I can think of several ways of dealing
> with that, in order of my preference: A radio button on the transfer
> dialog whose last value is retained, an “always do this” checkbox
> on the what to do with the rate dialog, or a preference setting.
> Which do you prefer (ignore the problem is another option)?

Actually, I think "ignore the problem" is a reasonable approach in this 
case.  If we get the prices in the Price DB sorted out properly, then 
the default in the transfer dialog will be correct in most cases which 
means the extra work for the user resulting from showing it is minimal. 
At least I wouldn't mind, and it would give me a chance to verify that 
the price chosen made sense.

When I'm entering foreign currency purchases (e.g., using a CAD or GBP 
credit card) that's pretty much what I do already.  All my expense 
accounts are USD and I update the Price DB daily so I generally just 
accept the default conversion from the transfer dialog in this case. 
It really doesn't slow me down much.  I think the problem comes if the 
default isn't good enough.


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