I need some guidance

David Christopher chrstdvd at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 09:06:09 EST 2015

New to Linux.  I just converted my computer to Mint 17.1 from the Windows
OS.  I was learning to code in Visual Studio.  I want to work on GNUcash
reports, for fun and to learn more about the program.

I have been learning to use Guile and Scheme, but here is my mental block.

When you write code is Scheme script, are you literally building the
Options, what I call a form, literally?  I have been looking at the Hello
world .scm file while in a tutorial.  I understand I can change the text in
a label, but how did the label get on the form, where did the form come
from, and the buttons on the form?

Basically, I need a mental picture of what I am doing.

Is there a small tutorial that shows how to make the form and put controls
on it?  Is that even what is being done?


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