Re: Configure error.
Stephen Brown
stephenbrown777 at
Wed Jan 7 21:23:55 EST 2015
Hi Derek
Sent from Windows Mail
From: Derek Atkins
Sent: Thursday, 8 January 2015 12:37 PM
To: Stephen Brown
Cc: gnucash-devel at
On Wed, January 7, 2015 7:33 pm, Stephen Brown wrote:
> Hi All,
> When configuring gnucash to compile on Windows 8.1, I get the following
> error
Can you look further up in the output from where it tries to
install libgoffice and see why it failed? It should have stopped the
build process at that point.
> checking for libgoffice-0.8 >= 0.7.0... no
> configure: error: Cannot find libgoffice.>= 0.7.0
> Where do I get libgoffoce from?
> Where do I put it so I can compile gnucash?
The build script should put it where it needs to be.
> Yours Sincerely Stephen Brown
This is output from Cygwin terminal
Stephen Brown_2 at Ace ~/gnucash
$ ./configure --disable-dbi > config-output.txt 2> config-2output.txt
Stephen Brown_2 at Ace ~/gnucash
Please find attached the config-output.txt and config-2output.txt
Thank you for your speedy response.
Stephen Brown
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