ninja not found

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Sat Feb 11 04:23:54 EST 2017

Op vrijdag 10 februari 2017 23:55:16 CET schreef Stephen Brown:
> Hi All,
> In a gcdev msys I see
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GNUCash at Ace /c/gcdev/gnucash/build/bin
> $ ninja.exe install
> sh: ninja.exe: command not found
> GNUCash at Ace /c/gcdev/gnucash/build/bin
> $ /c/gcdev/ninja/ninja.exe --help
> usage: ninja [options] [targets...]
> if targets are unspecified, builds the 'default' target (see manual).
> options:
>   --version  print ninja version ("1.6.0")
>   -C DIR   change to DIR before doing anything else
>   -f FILE  specify input build file []
>   -j N     run N jobs in parallel [default=6, derived from CPUs available]
>   -k N     keep going until N jobs fail [default=1]
>   -l N     do not start new jobs if the load average is greater than N
>   -n       dry run (don't run commands but act like they succeeded)
>   -v       show all command lines while building
>   -d MODE  enable debugging (use -d list to list modes)
>   -t TOOL  run a subtool (use -t list to list subtools)
>     terminates toplevel options; further flags are passed to the tool
>   -w FLAG  adjust warnings (use -w list to list warnings)
> GNUCash at Ace /c/gcdev/gnucash/build/bin
> $
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Is this still an installation error?
Looks like you didn't source properly. If you had, ninja.exe would 
have been found. "Sourcing" is not the same as running a script. To source a 
script you do
. <scriptname>
The initial . is important.

Secondly, you don't run ninja in /c/gcdev/gnucash/build/bin, it should be run 
in /c/gcdev/gnucash/build
The same goes for running "ninja install" afterwards.



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