Master Build problem

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Sun Jul 16 11:42:13 EDT 2017

That is the same error I was having last week when building with aqbanking.

John recently made building with aqbanking the default. But clearly there is something missing for it.

Until this is fixed you can disable building with aqbanking by setting an option to cmake



Robert Fewell <14ubobit at> schreef op 16 juli 2017 13:27:31 CEST:
>I having trouble with the latest master, it will not build for the
>following reason...
>I the build directory _build/src/import-export/aqb/gschemas there
>should be
>three gschema files but they are missing. One file is in the source
>directory and I think the other two are created but I can not see why
>are not.
>I assume there is some cmake stuff that is missing but can not see it
>the moment.
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Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse my brevity.

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