Intended behavior of automatic decimal point (bug 120940)

Sumit Bhardwaj bhardwajs at
Wed Jul 26 02:49:36 EDT 2017


In an attempt to fix a long-standing bug (, I looked at the code
and have a question on intended behavior of automatic decimal point.

>From the doc (, I see this
description for automatic decimal point.
> *Automatic Decimal Point:* This option will automatically insert a
decimal point into numbers you type in.​

It's not clear from the help that "560" will be converted to "5.60" with
automatic decimal points set to 2. Is that the intended behavior? If so,
should we edit the help?

There is a bug in handling the fractions when auto-decimal points. I can
try to fix that, but wanted to get the developers' take on the intended
behavior first.


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