Intended behavior of automatic decimal point (bug 120940)

Eric Siegerman pub08-gnc at
Thu Jul 27 21:27:45 EDT 2017

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 08:20:50AM +0000, David T. via gnucash-devel wrote:
> I think of the decimal placement as applying to the final number in the field
> (as a sort of edit mask, if you will), rather than a preprocessing function
> that would apply to every element in an equation.

I'm not sure that would quite work either.

Currently, for simple numbers with no arithmetic, "1000" gets
auto-decimal-pointed ("scaled" hereafter), but "4.50" doesn't,
which are both just what one wants.  The same should apply in
formulas (I think! -- but more about that at the end).  Assuming
two auto-decimal places, consider:
    1000 + 4.50

I (think I) want the first term to get scaled, but not the
second, giving a result of 14.50.

OK, so how about we scale each term separately, so that:
    1000 * 3 + 450 -> 34.50
but also:
    1000 * 3 + 4.50 -> 34.50
("->" meaning "yields a result of", since "=" just looks wrong
under the circumstances :-) ).

But then:
    10.00 * 3 + 4.50 -> 34.50
We didn't want to scale the first term after all.

I've thought of a couple of different approaches:
  - scale each term's resulting value if the term only contains
        1000*3 + 4000   -> 30 + 40      = 70.00
        1000*3 + 4000.  -> 30 + 4000    = 4030.00
        1000*3. + 4000  -> 3000 + 40    = 3040.00
        1000*3. + 4000. -> 3000 + 4000  = 7000.00

  - scale each term's *first* number if it's an integer,
    but never second or subsequent numbers:
        1000 * 3   -> 30
        1000 * 3.  -> 30
        1000. * 3  -> 3000
        1000. * 3. -> 1000
    This is based on the thought that ($20 * $3) is meaningless;
    it only makes sense to multiply money by something that isn't
But neither of those works in all situations.

The easiest way out, I think, is to never scale formulas at all,
only simple numbers.  So:
    4000   -> 40.00     # as currently happens
    40.    -> 40.00     # likewise
    4000+1 -> 4001.00

That's how my truly ancient copy of Excel behaves.  (I don't
have access to a modern one.)

Or perhaps: for formulas, scale the final result (as you say),
but only if *all* of the numeric values the user typed are
    1000*3 + 4000   -> 70.00
    1000*3 + 4000.  -> 7000.00
    1000*3. + 4000  -> 7000.00
    1000.*3 + 4000  -> 7000.00

That could boil down to:
    Scale the final result unless the original input string
    contains any "."s (or ","s depending on locale)
(without even any need to worry whether it's a number or
a formula).

But given that it's not entirely clear how even a simple:
    1000 + 4.50
should behave, anything with any subtlety at all is going to want
a fair amount of testing to see whether people actually find it
usable.  So an unsubtle approach like "never scale formulas" is
probably the safest place to start.

  - Eric

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